Aims 2020

This year is all about fostering the true values in a volatile environment. Rooting to some extends to feel credible and bold in the actions are crucial to making decisions. Especially this year will be a year full of decisions that will impact the path and the progress I make.
With these expectations, I‘ll set my aims for 2020 and define my path for the upcoming years.

This year will be also the end of my Trainee rotations and I‘ll need to find a final department to kick-off my career. Therefore, the core task will be setting up the foundations of having an environment, that supports my personal development and expertise. With the aim to develop my skillsets for the future of the industry.

In terms of my academic achievements, I expected to position this domain stronger in this year as it will help me to reset certain mindsets and look through the world with an academic head. This means also the publication and also aiming to attend academic conferences.

Mentoring is a core attribute in my life. Therefore, I want to foster this more with people outside the company to guide and help others to self-reflect to pursue a career aligned with their personality and values.

My private projects requires a restructure, depending on the resource allocation in the concepts. This will help to concentrate on tasks and outsource deliverables to specialists. The aim for this year will be defining a MVP.

While I‘m writing these aims, I am aware that I have to be flexible with the path and decisions that lead to new directions. However, these aims will be pursued out of inner motivation independently on time.

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