The year began on a warm note, filled with quality time spent with family and friends. It was a period of shared activities, heartfelt conversations, and setting resolutions for the year ahead. These moments naturally sparked a wave of reflections and decisions for 2025, both in my career and personal life. This year marks an…
Category: Goal setting
The passenger seat
When I wrote my last post on January 3rd, 2021, I had no idea how transformative the years ahead would be. The decisions I made created a chain reaction of changes that brought me to where I am today. It was as if I was being carried through a wormhole, with little time to pause…
Aims 2020
This year is all about fostering the true values in a volatile environment. Rooting to some extends to feel credible and bold in the actions are crucial to making decisions. Especially this year will be a year full of decisions that will impact the path and the progress I make. With these expectations, I‘ll set…
Aims 2019
Over the time challenging myself with new tasks, I had developed a tendency to deal with a lot of work in a short time. This reduces the duration of my overall learning curve. Therefore, I want to take the projects in my work as a personal challenge to have a balanced work/work/life balance. The second…
Review 2018
First things first, this year has been incredibly challenging and blessed year for me. For my post last year, I chose an orange tree photo with the header to carry my fruits home. This is what I did. I had a fantastic time at Newcastle and graduated with a distinction and many many awards and…
Internship at Equiwatt
The CEO of Equiwatt headhunted me for an internship at his tech-startup in the domain of AI-based smart home technology. In the interview, I was representing myself as a technology-driven generalist with fast-learning and as an allrounder. The CEO, COO and an advisor from the university conducted the interview. All three were impressed by my…
Aims 2018
After seeding and growing for the past 4 years, this year is the year where I will carry my fruits home. For 2018 my goals are clear. The first priority is to finish my master’s degree with the best student experience and make myself a rememberable name here in Newcastle. I want to challenge myself even…
Off to Newcastle – again!
Finally! I am back in Newcastle and the first night in my accommodation. I rented a private studio in an private student accommodation. The first impression after coming back: nothing changed! I had a walk alongside the city centre and the stadium and just felt like I never been away. Just a lot wiser and…
2017 aims
2017 is my final year of my Bachelor’s degree. By holding a conditional offer at Newcastle University, I have to finish my degree as soon as possible. My aims for this year, after having the successful year 2016, is to continue and exceed the success further. I will use my network at Daimler to build…
Internship at Daimler AG
On Wednesday is my first day at Daimler AG as an International Business Development Intern. I had this motivational push through Kerstin Walther to apply for an internship at Daimler, of which I would benefit at a later stage in my life. The telephone-interview with two colleagues a few months back was great! I was…
Newcastle – let’s go
I’m flying on the 11th of January to Newcastle upon Tyne. A city in the Northeast of England close to the Scottish boarder. I am going to spent the next 6-months over there for an exchange semester for which I got granted with an ERASMUS scholarship. I am travelling with my course mate, from my…
Aims 2016
This year I will be experiencing my second stop and grow up culture in my life – the United Kingdom. I will stay there for 6months after 17years of absence in living. I am excited and set myself three goals for this year. First, take everything with you and make the most out of it….
Welcome 2015 – aims and goals
For this year I want to develop my skills and experiences in the following three statements. Meeting new people self-education and increasing my knowledge in new areas Travel experience and cultural awareness in a different continent (the USA or Asia) I am ready to change my life and work hard to achieve my goals.
2014 – getting started.
After having several part-time jobs in sales, I started last year in October my first full-time job with an apprenticeship at SPIRIT/21 AG and cooperative study at DHBW in industrial engineering. My working colleagues are really helpful and friendly and want to use this year to learn more about the business environment. My plans had…