Well no, it wasn’t that clear all the time and actually, I think there are much better agile industries out there, which will emerge in the coming years to a significant economic driver. However, through a direct connection of my father, I got an internship opportunity within the project management department at VW driving experience…
My best friend who graduated as an Architect decided to move to New York. Her network which reaches all over the world as an open-minded artist and creative mind. This allowed her to get a job as a designer for an architect studio in New York. She is an outgoing person and finds it easy…
Welcome 2015 – aims and goals
For this year I want to develop my skills and experiences in the following three statements. Meeting new people self-education and increasing my knowledge in new areas Travel experience and cultural awareness in a different continent (the USA or Asia) I am ready to change my life and work hard to achieve my goals.
Review 2014 – People
This year was a tough year with a lot of big decisions and mental workload. I am not sure, if and how I could have changed the situation to not to be in this situation. I lost a year of useful study, as I not even can take over the grades from my degree. Working in…
Start again
Introduction to Business and macroeconomic something I have heard 3 times now. I am still here, and can’t accumulate my credits from the previous degree. This is very frustrating, but the lecturers are friendly and approachable. I have asked my IT director at the campus of an idea to optimise the campus intranet. She was…
‘Exmatrikulation’/ de-registering University
The past 4 weeks where the most intense 4 weeks in my life. After reflecting everything, I came to the conclusion that I had to change something. I wasn’t happy with my work contract and had no perspectives for my study without even considering working for SPIRIT/21 AG after graduation. I wanted to leave but…
First full-time employment
………. Took a long time to reflect on my job. reflecting on my working attitude: highly motivated talking to people – distance connecting to somebody? just with team members. learning a lot about IT and databases. friendly person but difficult to connect with. I’m not sure if I can work here after finishing my bachelor degree.
Vital Spain
I am writing this post after my amazing 5-day vacation in Barcelona with my best friend. Some incidents at work and DHBW changed some perspectives and expectations of my study and work program, that led me to a very stressful situation. My friend asked me to go for a vacation together, to bring me on…
2014 – getting started.
After having several part-time jobs in sales, I started last year in October my first full-time job with an apprenticeship at SPIRIT/21 AG and cooperative study at DHBW in industrial engineering. My working colleagues are really helpful and friendly and want to use this year to learn more about the business environment. My plans had…
first post
the first post introducing my aims achievements and reflection in a digital blog. EDIT 25.08.2017: Some post has been edited and rewritten with a better reflection of the past to have a better understanding of the overall perception and environment I was operating in.