Recently, I was put into a thoughtful situation in which a very close one asked me a personal question. It was about bonding between close ones and what exactly are we contributing towards it.
I thought about it and come up with three pillars, which are crucial for me and my relationships I have with my best people.
Acknowledgment & Appreciation
Acknowledging and appreciating every single contribution you or your best person make into your relationship is crucial for a solid understanding and healthy relationship. Even if it’s simple acts just like holding the doors or appreciating stories; problems or learnings shared from each other’s lives. I take nothing for granted, it’s a matter of commitment and gift you put into it, while not expecting anything in return. Furthermore, there are general rules to followed, which is a no-brainer so I will go on.
Mirroring yourself
Mirrors are truth-tellers. Your mirror is probably your honest and truthful self-reflection you share day after day. Sometimes, you have seen yourself in worst conditions and sometimes, in your happiest moments – I also include self-mirroring in selfies and photos of yourself with others in which you want to remember the unique moment for eternity. Able to see yourself under whatsoever circumstances, I feel like, I can share such a situation with my best people as well. They are my truth-tellers and I can be myself, as they have experienced me in literally every situation possible.
Another reason why I like the mirror comparison is that mirrors do show you in your best light. Therfore, I feel good, beautiful and positive to share my honest feelings and heart.
Take the journey with sparkles
In my personal opinion, I admire the development of my closest people. Celebrating success, sharing moments of joy and conquering hardest challenges is the fulfilment of beautiful moments in life.
With every step you take, you bond closer.
With every step you take, you extend your values.With every step you take, you see future.
It’s the moment of reflection you see the beauty of your bond. Similar to the pleasure of a sparkler, you enjoy the beauty right away, but can’t possess it.
Having these pillars in mind, the development of true bond relationships is not only in personal context possible. To some extend it has a much stronger impact towards new people you meet and it is far more essential in business or spare time people, who you might see on a regular basis to have some aspects of the pillars in the relationship.
Regarding my true bonds, I am blessed with the people I have in my environment. They are encouraging me with a purpose and reason to follow my goals. Every one of them is dedicated to deliver strong positive contributions and impact their environment with their mission, purpose and success.